Historical Investment Calculator

Investment details

Your investment would now be worth







Welcome to our Historical Investment Calculator! This tool allows you to calculate the potential value of an investment in a stock over a specific period of time. By entering the stock’s ticker symbol, your investment amount, and a date range, you can see how your investment would have performed historically.

How to Use the Tool

Follow the steps below to use the Historical Investment Calculator:

  1. Enter a Stock Ticker Symbol: Start typing the name or ticker symbol of the company you're interested in (e.g., "AAPL" for Apple or "TSLA" for Tesla). Select the correct company from the dropdown list that appears.
  2. Enter Your Investment Amount: Specify how much money you have invested or would like to invest. For example, enter "$1,000" to simulate an investment of that amount.
  3. Select a Date Range: Choose the start and end dates for your investment. The "From" date is when you made the investment (e.g., purchase date), and the "To" date is when you'd like to calculate the results (e.g., today or another date).
  4. Click "Calculate": Once all fields are filled in, click the "Calculate" button to get the results of your investment over the selected time period.

What to Expect

After clicking "Calculate," the tool will:

  • Fetching Data: The tool will fetch historical stock data for the selected ticker symbol and date range.
  • Calculating Results: It will calculate the following:
    • Now Worth: The current value of your investment at the "To" date.
    • Percentage Change: The percentage change in the stock price from the "From" date to the "To" date.
    • Profit: The total profit (or loss) made from your investment.
  • Loading State: You will see a "Calculating..." message while the tool is processing your request.


Here’s what the results might look like:

  • Now Worth: $2,500.00
  • Change: 25.00%
  • Profit: $500.00

This means that, based on the data provided, your $1,000 investment would now be worth $2,500, showing a 25% increase in stock value, resulting in a $500 profit.

Important Notes

  • Invalid Dates: You cannot select weekend dates or today's date for either the "From" or "To" date. The tool will display an error message if this happens.
  • API Data: The results are based on historical stock data fetched from an external API. If there is an issue with the API, the tool may display an error message.
  • Calculation Time: It may take a few seconds for the results to appear, depending on the stock data fetching process.