Compound Investment Calculator

Investment details

Your investment would be worth


Total interest earned:



Welcome to the Compound Investment Calculator! This tool allows you to calculate how much your investment will grow over time with compound interest, taking into account monthly contributions and annual increases in those contributions.

How to Use the Tool

Follow the steps below to use the Compound Investment Calculator:

  1. Enter Your Initial Investment: Specify how much money you have to start with (e.g., "$1,000").
  2. Enter Your Monthly Contribution: Set the amount you plan to contribute every month to your investment (e.g., "$100").
  3. Set the Annual Interest Rate: Specify the annual interest rate that will be applied to your investment (e.g., "5%" per year).
  4. Set the Investment Period: Choose the number of years you plan to invest (e.g., "10 years").
  5. Set the Annual Increase in Monthly Contributions: Indicate the percentage increase in your monthly contributions every year (e.g., "3%").
  6. Click "Calculate": Once all fields are filled, click the "Calculate" button to see how much your investment will grow over the selected period.

What to Expect

After clicking "Calculate", the tool will:

  • Perform Compound Interest Calculations: The tool will calculate how your initial investment and monthly contributions will grow with compound interest over time.
  • Provide Results: You will see:
    • Investment Worth: The total value of your investment at the end of the selected period.
    • Total Interest Earned: The amount of interest earned over the investment period.


Here’s an example of what the results might look like:

  • Investment Worth: $35,000.00
  • Total Interest Earned: $10,000.00

This means that, based on the data provided, your $10,000 investment with monthly contributions would grow to $35,000 over 10 years, earning $10,000 in interest.

Important Notes

  • Realistic Data: The tool assumes a constant annual interest rate and monthly contributions throughout the investment period. Actual returns may vary.
  • API Data: If there is an issue with the external API used for interest rate calculations, you may see an error message.
  • Calculation Time: The results may take a few moments to display depending on the complexity of the calculation.